Update: Where does your party stand on migration?
As the European Union elections approach, we seek to clarify the position of EU candidate parties on border control. You can see the results in the voting guide below!
Download the full report
To view the full results and find additional information, download the full report:
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that ‘Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.’ These rights don't change based on race, religion, sex or nationality, or whether you seek safety by land, air or sea. Article 18 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is supposed to ensure that everyone has the right to ask for asylum.
For the past few years, EU member states have used illegal operations to push back tens of thousands of asylum seekers from Europe’s borders. Frontex, the border agency of the European Union plays a key role in these pushbacks and abuses. Preventing access to a fair assessment of their claim, violating their basic human rights and using repression and violence to prevent them from finding a safe harbour.
As a result of these practices over 2,000 people have lost their lives, others have been assaulted, abused and mistreated. They are men, women, and children fleeing from wars and violence who should have access to a fair asylum procedure.
Frontex is funded by the European Union and is actively destroying the fundamental principles on which the Union is built. Funded by the EU means funded by us.
It is set out in law that every human being deserves their basic human rights to be protected. The rule of law applies to everyone on our territory and at our borders.
Therefore, we ask Europe to justify itself. Why is Frontex, funded by European taxpayers, actively being used to destabilize and circumvent the principles of the European Union? Why is a European organization violating human rights at our borders?
We want to hold the European Union accountable in several ways. We are starting legal actions against Frontex and European States, conducting research journalism on the role of the European Union and using public and political pressure against European member states supporting Frontex.
Together we can change this system of violation and oppression. As European citizens, we must not only ask Europe for an explanation, but above all demand that this system in which fundamental rights are ignored be changed. Because we cannot let this happen. Not on our border watch.
Join us in our cause, by supporting our actions and goals.
So Europe, do please explain...
Why refugees are illegally being pushed back and harmed by a European institution?
Why is Frontex actively ignoring and violating basic human rights and the rule of law?
Why am I, as a European citizen, made complicit against my will in the destruction of the rule of law?
Why am I forced to work for an organization that uses illegal methods?
Why was I beaten, left adrift at sea and sent back to the place from which I have fled?
Our Projects
Our lawsuit against Frontex
In October 2016 a Syrian family was returned from Greece to Turkey on a flight operated by Frontex and Greece. They were denied the right to have their asylum claim processed in Greece, the young children aged 2, 5 and 7 were treated in an inhuman and degrading manner during the flight, and Frontex subsequently refused to analyse its own responsibility for the unlawful return of the family. Thereby, the fundamental rights of the family were violated.
Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers has lodged the first legal action for damages on behalf of the family against Frontex at the European Court of Justice in Luxemburg. Our goal is to attain redress for the family that has suffered greatly by the illegal push back and to hold Frontex to account for its own actions. It is no longer acceptable that Frontex, equipped with an ever wider mandate and a bigger budget, deems itself above the law. It is time that Frontex respects fundamental rights and the rule of law.
Spotlight Borders; Podcast in cooperation with Sea-Watch Legal Aid Fund
Listen to the podcast in which our client, the father of the Syrian family, takes you through the events that took place when he and his family wanted to seek asylum in Europe. We can not let this happen, not on our border watch!
Spotlight Borders
Spotlight Borders is a podcast dedicated to people on the move and their supporters
Series 1: Legal Action against Frontex
Episode 1: From Pushback to Litigation:
Episode Description
The anonymous, main plaintiff of the first legal action for damages against Frontex before the Court of Justice of the European Union. Our guest represents a family who was pushed back at the EU border in Greece and is now holding Frontex to account for its actions. With the support of an interpreter, we give voice to his family.
Listen to the full Podcast here on Spotify or Google Podcasts or follow the link to the Website of Sea-Watch Legal Aid Fund
Together we can raise awareness, hold the European Union accountable and change this system of violation and oppression. As European citizens, we must not only ask Europe for an explanation, but above all demand that this system in which fundamental rights are ignored be changed.
Keep following us on Instagram and Twitter. Help us by sharing our messages to remind Frontex of their responsibility to change their policies and respect the rule of law.
Send an e-mail to European Parties
We created an email to European parties, where we ask the EU to answer for the inconsistent and outrageous behaviour by Frontex. We demand: Stop border atrocities by the EU and Frontex; not on our border watch!
Dear Representative,
With the upcoming European Parliament elections in mind, it is crucial to address the upholding of the rule of law towards those seeking international protection. Your stance on this pressing issue will significantly influence the lives of countless individuals who look to the EU for protection.
Currently, fundamental human rights are being violated at the EU's external borders. Asylum seekers and refugees face illegal pushbacks, stripping them of their human right to seek asylum and putting their lives in jeopardy.The tragedies at sea and on land are not properly addressed. When will the illegal acts stop?
Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, plays a crucial role in these violent pushbacks. It is alarming that an EU-funded agency is actively complicit in human rights violations rather than safeguarding them, as laid down in regulations. The turning of a blind eye by EU member states and its institutions to this illegal practice urgently needs to stop.
As a concerned European citizen, I urge you to take immediate action to end these abuses at our borders. The European Union prides itself on being a 'community of values', yet it must uphold these values by ensuring basic human rights and the rule of law within its territory.
In the voting guide published by the Not on our Border Watch coalition, some parties aim to address these concerns, while others propose measures that could lead to further human rights violations or even legalize these pushbacks. The full analysis can be found at www.notonourborderwatch.com.
You, as our elected representatives, have the ability to prevent member states and Frontex from violating the Common European Asylum System. We call on you to uphold the rule of law and put an end to these border atrocities.
I eagerly await your response.
On behalf of the Coalition "Not on our Border Watch"
Spread the word on Social Media
As European citizens, we must not only ask Europe for an explanation, but above all demand that this system in which fundamental rights are ignored be changed.
You can also help by spreading the message within your own network on social media and other channels that this must stop now. Stop border atrocities by the EU and Frontex: Stop the illegal pushbacks! Not on our border watch!
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About us
The project ‘Not on our border watch’ is initiated by law firm Prakken d’Oliviera Human Rights Lawyers, the Dutch Council for Refugees the campaign agency BKB and Sea Watch Legal Aid:
Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers is a law firm that champions the interests of individuals and companies, with a special focus on human rights. Our attorneys are known to be experts in their field and have a reputation that extends well beyond national boundaries. Learn more here.
The Dutch Council for Refugees works for the protection and integration of asylum seekers and refugees - in the Netherlands, but also beyond - through advocacy, legal cooperation and support to local NGOs in and around Europe. Learn more here
BKB develops campaigns for governments, private companies and public organizations. From their office in Amsterdam they raise issues that they consider important, ranging from refugee matters to equal opportunity in education, from sustainable banking to the importance of open data, and from veterans to work-related stress. Learn more here.
Sea-Watch Legal Aid Fund aims to provide financial and legal assistance to people and organisations who are subject to legal action due to their commitment to people on the move. By supporting targeted people subject to legal proceedings, it informs people on the move with regards to their rights, and provides assurance to the organisations and individuals supporting them Learn more here.
The coalition
The campaign is supported by a coalition of European NGO’s. Within this coalition they join forces to hold the European Union and Frontex accountable for the illegal operations used to push back tens of thousands asylum seekers from Europe’s borders.
The project ‘Not on our border watch’ is supported by a coalition of European NGO’s. Within this coalition they join forces to hold the European Union and Frontex accountable for the illegal operations used to push back tens of thousands asylum seekers from Europe’s borders.
The partners in the coalition support the project with their own expertise and network. To raise awareness and support for legal actions against Frontex and European States, conducting research journalism on the role of the European Union and using public and political pressure against European member states supporting Frontex.
This coalition was formed in July 2021 and will attract more partners and supporters in order to grow in number and in strength. All partners in this coalition have devoted themselves to work individually on establishing a common goal.
Initiating Partners:

Supporting Partners:

Update: Appeal lodged before CJEU in the action for damages against EU agency Frontex for their role in illegal pushback
Read moreVrouw doodgeschoten bij poging Griekenland in te komen
Read moreAmnesty International reconstructs suspected illegal pushback of group of 32 Afghan people in August using photogrammetry and spatial modelling techniques.
Read moreSTORIES
The Case
The lawsuit filed to the Court of Justice of the European Union on behalf of Syrian refugees against Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. These refugees were deported to Turkey via a pushback by plane exactly five years ago.
Read moreThe Story
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that ‘Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.’ These rights don't change based on race, religion, sex or nationality, or whether you seek safety by land, air or sea. In Article 18 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights it is ensured that everyone has the right to ask for asylum.
Read moreThe Coalition
We believe that collectively we can put an end to push backs once and for all. This starts by raising awareness of the atrocities at our border. Our request is simple. We urge the EU to uphold the human rights commitments it entered into. Together we call upon EU citizens to unite and to voice their concern: not on our border watch.
Read more